Photo @johnny_miller_photography

Healthy Societies

Putting people and prevention first

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Healthy Societies

Healthy Societies is an initiative that brings together policy-makers, academics and other stakeholders from a range of sectors and assembles the best available evidence to advocate for a world where everyone enjoys better health and well-being through more sustainable means – protecting both people and planet. 

Over 3000 people call to end UKRI cuts

open letter for the uk government to Revoke their decision on UKRI funding cuts

On Thursday 11th March, the UK government announced dramatic and imminent cuts to UKRI financing.

The government must urgently reconsider this decision. An an open letter, calling for a reversal of these cuts, has been signed by over 3300 people and organisations working around the world on global health research. Signatories include 93 pre-eminent global organisations working in the global health sector and over 2300 individual researchers from more than 100 Universities and research institutes in the UK, joined by more than 700 members of the global health community from all regions of the world.

What we do


healthier policy and practice by providing an accessible space for stakeholders from across sectors to share resources, knowledge and ideas 
the formation of a growing community of practice based on the best available evidence
a movement of people with shared beliefs, values and aims committed to advocating and agitating for laws, policies and practices that deliver progressive and pro-equity health outcomes

The Food Diaries

the power of a mcdonalds ad

What, and who, influences what we eat? Far from being a free choice, we believe that our food habits are deeply influenced by the societies and everyday environments we exist within.

To answer this question, over 100 school children across seven countries have been filming these influences to help us better understand the everyday environments which, across much of the globe, are making it increasingly difficult for people to eat well and increasingly easy to eat badly.

Read more in the Guardian's coverage of our project: Coke, crisps, convenience: how ads created a global junk food generation.

Watch the films

The development of guidelines on Human Rights, Healthy Diets and Sustainable Food Systems offers the chance to unite our individual activities into a more powerful, cohesive whole. As we approach the mid-point of the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition, now is the time for WHO and OHCHR to take bold actions to accelerate progress.

Mark A. Lawrence

Professor of Public Health Nutrition, Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition, Deakin University, Geelong, Australia

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